Centre historique minier de Lewarde
The historic Lewarde mining centre is a former coal mine in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Mining Basin. It also bears the name of the Fosse Delloye but also Joseph Delloye of the Compagnie des mines d’Aniche.
3 events are proposed at the Centre Historique Minier de Lewarde:
- An exhibition La Conquête de l’Ouest on the history of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region and its study of the geological structure of the mining basin.
- A one-time event Le Carreau des Sciences is animated by the activities proposed by the Mining Historical Centre and its partners. Mathematics, energy, geology, paleontology, … the sciences are revealed to families.
- La Fête de la science, a one-time event in the form of 1-hour animations on energy and science in addition to the guided tour of the galleries of the Mining Historical Centre.