To control the energy impact of your visit to this site, you can adjust certain settings.
By default, this website will use the dark mode setting of your device. You can also change it.
A recent study has shown that dark mode on a mobile device can save up to 40% of battery power. Imagine on a global scale how much energy would be saved if this became a default setting or if everyone activated it?
Using this setting you can control the image quality: from highly compressed black/white images to compressed through to high definition. The more compression used on images, the lower the quality but the less energy they consume. Conversely, high res images are twice the weight of the compressed images.
On the scale of planetary energy consumption, the impact of your choices for this site is negligible, but it raises the question of the digital industry’s responsibility in the face of the massification of data in the context of the climate crisis.
You can measure the carbon footprint of this site or others with the Website Carbon Calculator.