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Triennale Art
& Dunkerque
Triennale Art & Industrie Dunkerque Hauts–de–France

Rashaad Newsome

1979, Californie / New York, États-Unis d'Amérique

Rashaad Newsome (New Orleans, United States, 1979) lives and works in Oakland, California, and New York. In 2001, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Art History from Tulane University. He furthered his studies in 2005 with programming in MAX/MSP at Harvestworks Digital Media Art Center in New York. His work lies at the intersection of technology, collage, sculpture, video, music, and performance. Rashaad Newsome’s art celebrates the contributions of racialized and queer communities to the canon of art. In 2017, he received the Artist & Edition Prize from the Baltimore Contemporary Print Fair.

His work has been exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum (New York), the New Orleans Museum of Art (Louisiana), the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art (Madison), and is also included in numerous public collections, including the Whitney Museum of American Art (New York) and other important American institutions.